Our Study Centers and Libraries
We are associated with 8 Study Centers in Jharkhand. More than 700 students are currently taking the benefit of these centers round the clock.
More then 12 teachers are teaching the students to help them achieve their goals. Continuously we are in touch with all of the teachers and helping them out of their concerns which enable them to focus on teaching. We continuously guiding the study center in various manners to make a difference.

Kusumtikra, Silli
Dr. Sukhdev Study center Kusumtikra is imparting the quality education from class 5th to 12th standard students for improving their performance in term of thinking, concept building & generating best possible results in school examinations. Coaching center assure that all students get an improved percentage and ranks in upcoming exams. There are 2 teachers who manage this center and teach the students for their bright future.
Sahid Jitram Bedia Coaching Center Bisa
Bisa, Angara
Sahid Jitram Bedia Study center Bisa is located in very remote area still promptly providing education and guidance to poor student who can't afford private coaching fees. Students are getting quality education to improve themselves and able to prepare themself for future competitive exams.

Samajsevi Bhola Bedia Study Center
Padariya, Ramgarh
Samajsevi Bhola Bedia Study center Padariya committed to providing quality education and guidance to poor student starting from class 3.
Sahid Dilip Bedia Coaching Center cum Library, Barwatola
Barwatola, Silli
Sahid Jitram Bedia Study center Bisa is located in very remote area still promptly providing education and guidance to poor student who can't afford private coaching fees. Students are getting quality education to improve themselves and able to prepare themself for future competitive exams.