About Us
Bedia Yuva Manch is an organised and dedicated forum of youths of Bedia tribes which came into existence in the year 2021 and is striving hard to address the striking problems of youth of the tribe mainly Education, Employment and Health.
Bedia Yuva Manch is an amalgamation of students,youths,teachers and working personnel in Governments and Private firms, all belong to the Bedia tribe, as they can only identify and understand their own problems and solve them effectively in much better way than anybody else.

Structure of Bedia Yuva Manch
The Bedia Yuva Manch a small organisation with dual layered structure of Core members as well as Secondary members. The Core members are mainly responsible for fulfilling the objectives of the forum. Also, they are responsible for detail planning and implementation of the same on ground. The secondary members are extending their moral support to the forum and to help to get the plans implemented in field. In comparison to typical hierarchical organisational structure, the dual layered structure of the Bedia Yuva Manch is time tested one and remain to be effective on ground.
All the plans and decisions of the Manch are well deliberated and discussed in the meetings which are organised on regular basis. On an average one meeting is held every fortnightly.The decisions are arrived at on consensus basis and are democratic in nature.
As the nomenclature indicates, it is a forum of Bedia tribe where members from the same tribe joined together to address the burning issues being faced i.e. lack of education ,poor health ,hunger ,unemployment, migration to other states. The members of Bedia Yuva Manch is of understanding that all such problems may be addressed by ensuring education ,employment and health. The modalities for achieving such objectives are as follows:
To bring Youth and Students of the Tribe together and in turn to to connect them with Seniors working in different establishments like Government, Privates and even agriculture and businesses. This endeavour is to unite them and to create a synergy amongst themselves so that they can discuss, deliberate and ultimately come out with solutions for their problems.
To Guide the Youth and students of the tribe very closely akin to hand holding in the area of education and employment in public and private sectors and also in the field of agriculture and Business. Alongside, to create a positive and conducive environment for youth and students at various levels and also to impart them the required confidence to move ahead.
To motivate the Students to prepare and to take up competitive examinations which will assure them the employments later.

On going activities
Following activities are undergoing in the field of education, health and employments as far as the Students and Youth of the tribe is concerned:
Selection of two meritorious students of BPL family every year to educate them up till bachelor's degree absolutely free.Three students were selected last year and are being provided economical support.
Effective utilisation of Libraries and study centres by the youths and students set up at different areas of Ranchi and Ramgarh of Jharkhand for preparation of competitive examinations
Guiding the students of metric class and enable them to opt for appropriate and promising streams after Board examination result based on their interest and economic condition.This is to prepare them for employment.
Uniting the College students and creating synergy as well as conducive and enabling atmosphere for the students for competitive examinations.A whats app Group has been created to fulfil such objective.
To conduct yearly Youth festival in form of Yuva Mahotsav to celebrate arts and culture of the land and also to celebrate the spirit of Science as future lies there.Various competitions are held in the Youth Festivals ie General knowledge, painting, Dance, Songs,Yoga,plays and speeches. This brings a sense of competition amongst youths and students without separating them from celebration of arts and culture which are the essence of tribal way of life.

How Volunteering in Bedia Yuwa Manch Can Make a Difference
You may join us to help the needy students and get their goals. So that they can stand on their feet and contribute in India's economy and make the world better place to live.
Donate or Volunteer for Bedia Yuwa Manch. Thanks.

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We are helping thousands of underprivileges with more then 10 libraries. You can make the difference by donating for them. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

Core Members
Bedia Yuva Manch
The founders and core team members of Bedia Yuva Manch are exceptional individuals—intelligent, humble, polite, and incredibly helpful. They are always ready to contribute to society, striving to make it better and inclusive for everyone. Though they live in different parts of the country, their strong bond unites them, enabling them to act swiftly and efficiently in their efforts to serve the community.